Last Cat On Mars Presents: Just Sayin’ – Chess is as Chess Does

As a feline with quite useful paws, its pains me to say that it is rather difficult for me to play the ancient game of chess without mauling the innocent pieces before they even launch themselves on their board-y crusades.

However, I have put my perfect little paws to good use and discovered that the set depicted in the image below was originally created by F. Lanier Graham, a former curator at the Museum of Modern Art in New York (he also curated at the National Gallery of Australia), though he has yet to visit the other MoMA, the Museum of Martian Art (one day, perhaps).

The set in the fairly able hands of Octavia and Arpeggia was created by our beloved Lorrie with her own two versatile hands. She likes to fly under the radar most of the time, and is responsible for a lot of the tuna that gets slung my way. Thank you, Lorrie, for the loan of your lovely homage to Mr Graham, minimalist extraordinaire, if you ask me, and I know you do. And also for the beautiful chess board you also made with those same hands (as opposed to any borrowed ones).

You can read more about chess sets and see Mr Graham’s set if you look at this Smithsonian magazine article, and very interesting it is, too, even for non-players. Enjoy.

Chess set by Lanier Graham with two minifigures identical twins about to play a game

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